Craig Johnson LMHC, CASAC-G


Craig is currently the COO of Health Homes and New Initiatives at Huther Doyle Memorial Institute in Rochester. Craig had previously developed a recognized and effective treatment program in the local jail setting and has served as a consultant to Probation Departments and Mental Health agencies. Prior to his work in corrections, Craig served as the Clinical Director at Park Ridge Chemical Dependency overseeing 7 outpatient programs, and inpatient CD treatment program, two Community Residences, and community outreach. He has taught at a number of universities and operates a private practice, Mind Evolution, in Rochester along with serving on a number of boards and community consortia. an experienced and respected trainer on issues related to substance use, mental health and criminal justice involvement. He has taught literally thousands of counselors and impactors about substance use, co-occurring disorders, criminal justice clients, and techniques for effective helping strategies.